Together with about a trillion mosquitos each we are off to do a hike around one of the trails in The Brandon Hills Wildlife Management Area.
The beginning of the trail, prairie to begin with and then into the trees and the mozzies, not much of a problem we were well lathered up with deet-stuff, just a nuisance buzzing around you all the time.

Golden dragonfly and a moth (I think) sitting on a leaf.

The Western Red Lily or Tiger Lily.
Beautiful butterfly amongst some blue flowers which we can't identify.

A lone Convolvulus in amongst the grass.
A little bit of wetland amongst the trees.

Such a lot of beauty, a clearing amongst the trees, thick grass at the edges and drying out as you move into more sunlight

Going back into the tree cover.
Prairie Rose

Soloman's Seal and below Aquilegias

These two pics of different butterflies taken in the parking lot
Much to Ruths relief not a single sighting of old farm machinery.
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