we arrived in Neepawa after a pleasant 2 1/2 hour drive from Binscarth, after setting up the trailer and a quick lunch we decided to explore the town, make the most of it as we only planned on staying here one night. First we went to the little town museum, it is in what used to be the railway station, what a find! there are three floors packed with stuff. Upstairs first which used to be the living quarters of the station master I think there is six rooms, just full of every thing you can think off.

This was one of the two army rooms, every thing in this room is from local families, all the stories of their military service.
Two rooms full of ladies and childrens clothes.

This is the toy room
This room is devoted to the Polish and Ukrainian immigrants.
From the local barbers shop.

Down in the basement, a ladies side saddle and below it a western saddle, what about the old washtub and wringer!
Wood working tools, a plane for every job there, no routers in the old days, a plane, a mallet, a chisel and a saw and didn't they make some wonderful things.

A yoke for a couple of oxen.
Wooden model of a steam engine driving a threshing machine, with the hay carts and the wagon to cart away the grain, on the other side of the engine is a water cart to keep the engine supplied, not sure the the fancy carriage is there for, maybe its the boss making sure everybody is working.
A great little museum telling a local storey.

This is the original 19 century court house, still in use I understand.
One of the many parks dotted around the town.
We are quite impressed with this little town and have decided to stay an extra night.
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