We are still in Moose Jaw trying to keep ahead of this dreadful weather the Prairies are getting at the moment. We just had time to visit the bank and then The Real Canadian Superstore to restock the fridge and cupboards before the next session of rain.

A couple of posts back I put up another pic. of this truck and it's scoop, after our trip round Wood Mountain Post I now know what the scoop was for (I think!) First thing, it's called a slip not scoop and it was used to scrape up coal which is just below the topsoil.

This little wagon nearly buried in the undergrowth at Wood Mountain must have been used at some of the sites where they mined the coal.

Ruth tells me I'm getting boring going on about The Mounted Police, First Nations and old machines, so some flower photos. First photo Hesperis Matronalis thats what we call it in Europe, Dame's Rocket here ? Photo taken at Maple Creek.
The last two were taken at Grasslands, a bit battered by the rain. This looks like a crocus.
Colorado Rubberweed, (where would we be without Wikipedia)
A killdeer doing a lap dance.

American Goldfinch amongst the leaves.
This fence surrounds the Rodeo Grounds at Wood Mountain, these boots cover all the fence posts looks like a good boot to me.
Next post will be from Regina
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