Moving on to Regina on Thursday morning taking the rain with us, we arrived for a late lunch and watched the rain and read books, no wifi again, the park publicity says they have it but it seems the modem has just failed, they had it yesterday or so they say!

These two photos where taken on Saturday morning, we had some dry weather and shot off to Wascama Park, managed to get a couple of kilometres walk before the rain came down again, photo above of the Legislature Building and the one below of downtown Regina across Wascama Lake.

Friday it rained all day, which for once was not a problem as we had planned on visiting the Royal Sascatchewan Museum. The museum is on two floors, the upper floor is devoted to Saskatchewan, how the land was formed by glaciers and the animals that lived here millions of years ago, man arriving and life up to the present time. The lower floor is given over to First Nation life and history. This is a really impressive show. I have picked out three pices of art work by First Nation artists.

This is the round dance

A pice of modern art called the Storey Teller.

A Drum.
Sunday morning and we have moved 70 kilmetres east to the town of Indian Head
Picture above taken from The Indian Head website around about the end of the 19th. century.

A photo taken this afternoon with a boring late 20th. century grain elevator, made of galvanised steel and concrete, can't see these ever having a preservation order put on them!
Just a few metres down the track one of the old elevators, there are two of these still standing and by the look of them as we drove past, still in use.
We intend to spend a few days here in Indian Head, lots to see here and we are at the bottom of the Qu'Appelle Valley, lets hope the weather will be kind this coming week for exploring this valley.
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