Continuing our drive down into the Yosemite Valley, at the bottom we reach the Merced River, the road along the valley goes on the south side of the river to Yosemite Village and the north side on the return journey. I found these trees with their roots exposed quite fascinating, how do they stay standing, they must have a long tap root.

Bridal Vale Falls, showing the vale affect of the falling water

The water from the falls continuing down the hill to the river

A little further along the road we catch our first sight of the Upper Yosemite Falls, we are looking across the river to the north side. These are double falls one above the other, we can only see the upper half here.

Royal Arches on the north side of the river opposite Half Dome Mountain on the south side.

Sentinel Rock on the south side opposite the Yosemite Falls
Another view of the falls taken from the Visiter Centre

This photo taken from I think the only place you can see both falls from a distance, not a very good pic. This place was very busy, people with big cameras and tripods and all sorts of important looking stuff, not much room for me and my little Fuji, in the end I just pointed and pressed the button and hoped for the best.
At the head of the footpath you can see both falls together the Upper and the Lower.

Another tumbling stream caught this on our up the mountain on the way out.
It was very busy visiting and this is only March, what it must be like in the high season I can't imagine.
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