A trip to Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument Park today, after over an hour spent at the visiter centre, watching a film about the park, looking at the exhibits watching a ranger making arrowheads and blades for scraping and cutting animal skins all from stone, we set of to do the Ajo Mountain Drive.

I think this blog should come with a health warning, if you don't like cacti change channels. The first four photos are from the garden at the visiter centre, Ruth standing by the side of this Saguaro.

The Parks namesake, The Organ Pipe Cactus.
This little beauty is a Teddy Bear Cholla.

The Skeleton of a Saguaro
On the drive around The Ajo Mountain Trail, A gravel road for most of the way. Different sizes of Saguaro and a Organ Pipe.

Tree shaped Cholla, Organ Pipe and Saguaro, the yellow flowers around the Cholla are Brittlebrush and the smaller yellow ones in the forefront are those of the Creosote Bush.

This is Mistletoe Arizona Style.

Our little guide book tells us that the Saguaro dosn't flower till its 65 years old and start growing arms till its 90 years old, so that biggy next to Ruth is a youngster but how old is this fella below?
Seams like they can grow to over 50 feet tall and live over 200 years.

Enough of cacti, we are now in Arches Canyon

This I believe is Mount Tillotson.

Do you think this mountain top looks like a prowling Lion about to pounce.
Looking south towards The Diaz Mountains, named after Captain Diaz who died here exploring for the Coronado expedition in 1541. On the left of the photo can be seen some orange/red flowers growing on the Ocotillo plant

Sorry don't know the name of this cactus but the flower is a stunner.
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