After the ice cream social at the RV Park (every tuesday can't miss that) we headed off to Apache Station, to view the Sandhill Cranes that winter there.
To get toApache Station you have to go through Texas Pass, the views are quite something, rocks pilled on rocks.

Very unusual, I don't think this is a earthquake zone, which is just as well , you wouldn't want this lot crashing down round you.


A view across Sulphur Springs Valley. Apache Station is the name of a coal generating power station. The Electrical company have put some land aside to create this haven for the Cranes and of course it has attracted lots of other birds and animals as well. We had to wait awhile for the cranes to appear, these Yellow Headed Blackbirds had already congregated for the evening

Around about 5:30 we heard the Cranes approaching,
Hundreds of them all arriving within in a few minuets.
Sandhill Cranes, quite common here, but new to our eyes.

By the time we got back to Valley Vista the light was fading fast, looking north across the valley, the setting sun casting some wonderful shadows on the mountains.
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