Saturday morning we set of for Kleinburgh, home of The McMichael Gallery of Canadian Art, what a wonderfull museum and is Kleinburgh the poshest town in Canada? Thought Oak Bay on Vancouver Island was posh but Kleinburgh betters it I think, we didn't dare look at the house prices in the real estate offices in town. This piece of rock just outside the main doors I thought was quite impressive.
For all non Canadian readers this is a painting by Lawren Harris one of the famous Group of Seven painters, titled "Sentinels" painted in 1926.
Sunday evening found us at Rice Lake, the wifi here was $5. a day and didn't work, so no post that day.
Brown headed Cowbird wandering through the grass by our trailer at Rice Lake.
Sunset over Colonel By Lake, Kingston.
We have wifi here, not at the site but in the little shop. Tomorrow morning will post, I hope.
Tuesday evening and today we visited Fort Henry, here in Kingston, more details of this visit on the next post. I tried twice to publish this post today, but the wifi here wouldn't let me do it. Tomorrow we will be back in Ottawa, maybe we will have better luck with wifi there.
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