Yipee we have wifi again, the last 10 days have been very stressful without my daily dose of the internet, its a drug, how long before governments start legislating I wonder. The further south we have traveled the more difficult has been the access, from not having wifi at all to limiting your access to 200mb a day. Rip off Ontario! access was better way up north in The Yukon. As a matter of interest reading the headline page of The Guardian took me 35 minuets and used 40mb, that and catching up with emails takes care of your daily limit, which doesn't leave much left for doing a blog .
Grousing over - and onward with our journey, photo above of a typical sight in Northern Ontario. Lots of rock, trees and water but quite something after the prairies.

Spotted this mushroom on one of our walks in Sault Ste. Marie, a real work of art
On the same walk a butterfly with a damaged wing, it flew off just after I'd taken the photo, the missing part didn't seem to hinder its flight at all.

This Silver Birch Tree growing up and covering and old stump again at Sault Ste. Marie.
This Moose Head was at the beginning of a walk at Kakabeka Falls, east of Thunder Bay.

Peaceful setting, the campground just outside Woodstock in southern Ontario, where we spent a few days, very restful place.
While in Woodstock we had the truck serviced, and a tire replaced on the trailer by these friendly people. Couldn't resist taking a picture of this old Austin mini van, in wonderful condition 40 years old and still working. My first ever vehicle was one of these - ecky thump them were the days eh, they were that lad - now get away with thee.
On to Pointe Pelée, the southern most part of mainland Canada.
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