Way back in late winter and spring of 1969 or maybe it was 1970, I worked at Dow Chemicals here in Sarnia. It was a bit of a smelly place with all the chemical industry and the pollution it caused. My job at the time didn't help with the pollution in fact if anything it probably made it worse. I was wiring up the controls for some new pumps Dow were installing, these pumps in the dead of night pumped yellow gunge into the St. Clair River all automatic of course and "never touched by human hands" - they just didn't care back in those days. What a surprise on driving into Sarnia 44years later - all cleaned up, just an ever so slight smell, and I wonder, what are they doing with all the waste now?

Canada Goose statues at the information centre

The two sides of Sarnia looking south down the St. Clair River to all the refineries and east at the marina

The huge grain silos and the park, amazing transformation.
Driving back to the RV Park at Strathroy we had to take this photo of the farm land, corn field in the background fronted by this grass verge to the shoulder of the road, perhaps we should call it a lawn. All the fields in this part of Ontario are like this, its like driving through a park.

This flower is called Swamp Rose Mallow
Swallow under the roof of a shelter in the park.
Art In The Park today at Strathroy.
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