On the evening of our visit to Yosemite Valley the heavens opened (the gods had answered all the prayers) and it rained like there was going to be no tomorrow. Listening to all this rain falling we decided it was probably not a good idea to drive down the mountain, so we spent another day at Yosemite Pines and wait on the rain to stop.
Going down Priest Grade
Weather good all day and after about 6 hours of driving we arrived at Rolling Hills RV Resort and Casino in Corning California. 390 kilometres. Quite like this RV stop, $28 less The Good Sam discount and the wifi works which is something. Not impressed with the famous buffet, we stopped here on the way down and had the buffet and didn't think much of it, but we tried again on this visit and it was better especially as it was seniors half price day but we wouldn't pay $16. for it.
Thursday morning still dry but very windy.
Spotted this camper, reminds me off my youth when everybody wanted a VWcamper painted just like this- flower power- this is a little bigger I think.