After last nights rain this morning brought blue skies and sunshine, so off to visit White Lake, a short drive on the back roads from Oliver, up the valley to Fairview and along Willowbrook road and eventually arriving at White Lake in the hills above Okanagan Falls.

We didn't know quite what this place was all about before we arrived, really glad we went and if time permits we will try and come back for another visit, taking a picnic and my tripod, the different species of birds just along the track was amazing.

Part of the canyon wall that protects the valley from the east.
Looking west towards the coastal mountains, not sure what these mountains are called, I think one may be Brent Mountain and the other Bromley Rock?

Our first sighting of a Western Meadow Lark.
Part of the working ranch

Enjoying the day.

Two more first sightings, a Mountain Bluebird and below a Western Bluebird

In the distance The White Lake Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, can't tell you any more about it, way above my head, all about solar fluxes and interferometric arrays and things, what ever they are!
Now I understand what this is - lots of pieces of wood placed just so, to keep cows in one place

a lovely bluebell type of flower, can't find any reference to it.
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